From Chaos to Control: Harnessing Distributed Locking in Concurrent Systems

Praveen J U
Licious Technology
Published in
12 min readSep 6, 2023


In the world of distributed systems, where multiple machines or processes work together towards a common objective, ensuring smooth coordination is essential. Imagine a scenario where multiple nodes are trying to access a shared resource or execute a critical section of code simultaneously — chaos and data corruption could easily ensue. This is where distributed locks come to the rescue.

What Are Distributed Locks?

Distributed locks are tools used in distributed systems to control access of shared resources. They ensure that only one process or node can use a resource at a time, preventing conflicts. Methods include centralized locking, distributed lock managers, consensus algorithms, and database locks. Implementing them requires addressing issues like performance, fault tolerance, and system requirements.

Why Do We Need Distributed Locks?

Picture a distributed system as a team of collaborators working on a project. Each member has a role to play, and sometimes, their tasks might overlap. To prevent confusion, duplication of effort, or errors, a mechanism is needed to control when and how team members access shared tools, files, or data.

Similarly, in a distributed system, various nodes or processes might need to access the same resource concurrently. Without proper synchronization, this could lead to race conditions — a situation where the final outcome depends on the order of execution. This can result in data corruption, inaccurate results, or even system crashes.

In the event that multiple instances of a microservice attempt to execute the same operation concurrently, we could potentially encounter issues such as data loss, data corruption, or data inconsistency. To illustrate, consider a scenario involving an inventory system wherein numerous users are endeavoring to buy the same item. As parallel procedures endeavor to modify the inventory concurrently, it could result in over-selling, given that the product’s availability is not accurately maintained.

As a business impact Overselling of products leads to a rise in cancellations, diminished customer experience (Cx), culminating in customer attrition and decreased customer retention

Fig 1: Inventory sequence diagram without distributed locks

In the sequence diagram provided above, it is depicted that both User 1 and User 2 simultaneously discover that there is a single unit of product A available in the inventory. Subsequently, they both attempt to initiate an order for the product at the same time. Due to the absence of a locking mechanism, both deduction operations are successful without any hindrance, resulting in the placement of their respective orders.

How Do Distributed Locks Work?

Distributed locks implement a simple yet effective concept. When a node or process wants to access a resource, it must request a lock. If the lock is available, the requesting node gains exclusive access to the resource, ensuring that no other node can interfere. Once the task is completed, the lock is released, allowing other nodes to access the resource.

Think of it as a “one-at-a-time” rule for accessing shared resources. Just like a talking stick in a group discussion ensures that only one person speaks at a time, distributed locks ensure that only one node can access a resource at a given moment.

Fig 2: sample flow diagram to perform an operation using lock.
Fig 3: Inventory sequence diagram with distributed lock

In the sequence diagram provided above, it is illustrated that both User 1 and User 2 simultaneously observe an inventory of one unit for product A. Subsequently, they both make attempts to initiate an order for the product. However, due to the presence of a distributed lock mechanism, User 1’s request to reduce the inventory by one unit is acknowledged. This acknowledgment allows User 1 request to successfully deduct the unit from the inventory, resulting in a successful operation. As a result of this successful deduction, User 1’s order is placed successfully.

Benefits of Distributed Locks

  1. Data Integrity: Distributed locks safeguard data integrity by preventing simultaneous modifications that could lead to corruption.
  2. Resource Utilization: Locks help manage resource utilization effectively, preventing resource hogging and ensuring fair access among nodes.
  3. Concurrency Control: With distributed locks, multiple nodes can work concurrently without stepping on each other’s toes, optimizing system performance.

What are the different mechanisms by which we can achieve distributed locks?

Distributed locks can be achieved through various mechanisms and technologies, each suited for different use cases and requirements. Here are some common approaches to implementing distributed locks:

  1. ZooKeeper: Apache ZooKeeper is a distributed coordination service that can be used for implementing distributed locks. ZooKeeper provides a “sequential” znode feature that allows clients to create ephemeral nodes in a sequential order. By monitoring the sequence of znodes, clients can implement distributed locks. A synthetic code for distributed locks using zookeeper is below.
// connection to zookeeper
ZooKeeper zooKeeper = new ZooKeeper(ZOOKEEPER_SERVER);
var path = "my_path"

// Create a lock node which is automatically deleted by the Zookeeper
var zNode = zooKeeper.createEphemeralSequentialNode(path+"/lock_");

if( checkIfLockeAquiredFor(zNode)){
// Perform critical section
//delete the node to release the lock
} else{
// failed to get the lock

function checkIfLockeAquiredFor(var zNode){
var n = 10;
//get all child Nodes in the path
while(n > 0){
var childNodes[] = zookeeper.getChildren(path);
//sort childNode and check if the top child is same as zNode created;
if(childNodes[0] == zNode.getName())
return true;
return false;


  • Sequential Locks: ZooKeeper can be used to create sequential locks, ensuring fairness in lock acquisition. Processes are granted locks in the order they requested them.
  • Watch Mechanism: ZooKeeper supports the watch mechanism, allowing clients to receive notifications when lock conditions change. This can simplify coordination between processes.
  • Ephemeral Nodes: Locks can be implemented as ephemeral znodes (nodes in ZooKeeper’s hierarchical structure). If a client holding a lock crashes, the lock is automatically released when the session expires.


  • Complexity: Implementing distributed locks with ZooKeeper can be complex, especially for developers who are new to the platform. Managing ZooKeeper connections and handling edge cases like network partitions requires careful consideration.
  • Performance Overhead: ZooKeeper introduces additional network communication and overhead for maintaining consensus, which can impact performance compared to simpler in-memory locking mechanisms.
  • Scalability Concerns: While ZooKeeper is highly reliable, it can become a scalability bottleneck if used excessively for locking purposes in large-scale systems. It’s essential to use it judiciously.
  • Operational Complexity: Managing and maintaining a ZooKeeper ensemble (a group of ZooKeeper servers) can be operationally complex. Ensuring high availability and monitoring can require additional effort.
  • Single Point of Failure (SPOF): The ZooKeeper ensemble itself can be a single point of failure. To ensure high availability, you need to set up ZooKeeper in a fault-tolerant manner.

2. Database-Based Locks: Use a database to manage distributed locks. Create a table dedicated to locks, where each lock corresponds to a row. Acquiring a lock involves inserting a row into the table, while releasing the lock involves deleting the row. Database transactions ensure consistency. However, this method might introduce database contention. A simple example for database-Based locks is given below.

-- Acquire a distributed lock for a specific product's inventory

-- Check if the lock is available
SELECT LockStatus FROM Locks WHERE ProductID = specified_product_id;

IF LockStatus = 'available' THEN
-- Set the lock status to 'locked' to prevent other stores from acquiring it
UPDATE Locks SET LockStatus = 'locked' WHERE ProductID = specified_product_id;

-- Perform inventory update
UPDATE Inventory SET Quantity = new_quantity WHERE ProductID = specified_product_id;

-- Release the lock
UPDATE Locks SET LockStatus = 'available' WHERE ProductID = specified_product_id;

COMMIT; -- Commit the transaction
RETURN 'Inventory update successful';
ROLLBACK; -- Rollback the transaction
RETURN 'Inventory update failed: Lock not available';


  • Data Consistency: Database locks help maintain data consistency by preventing conflicting modifications to shared resources. They ensure that only one user or process can modify the data at a time, preventing data corruption or inconsistencies.
  • Simplicity: Database locks are relatively easy to implement and understand, especially for simple use cases. They utilize the built-in features of database management systems, making it convenient to implement locking mechanisms without extensive custom code.
  • Transaction Support: Database locks often work in conjunction with transactions, ensuring that the locking and unlocking of resources are done within a transaction boundary. This guarantees atomicity and consistency of lock management.


  • Deadlocks: Poorly managed locks can lead to deadlocks, where multiple processes or threads are waiting for each other to release locks, causing the system to come to a standstill.
  • Performance Impact: Excessive locking can lead to performance bottlenecks, especially in high-concurrency systems. Lock contention can slow down overall system performance as processes wait for locks to be released.
  • Complexity with Scale: As the system scales and the number of users or processes increases, managing locks becomes more complex. Coordinating locks across distributed systems or multiple database instances can be challenging.
  • Blocking: While locks prevent conflicts, they can also introduce blocking. If a process holds a lock while performing a time-consuming operation, other processes that need the same lock will be blocked until the lock is released.
  • Concurrency Overhead: In some cases, locking might lead to underutilization of resources. For example, if multiple processes could potentially modify different parts of a resource simultaneously without conflict, locking might unnecessarily limit their concurrency.
  • Lack of Flexibility: Locking can sometimes be overly restrictive, preventing certain types of concurrent access that could actually be safe. This rigidity can lead to suboptimal resource utilization.
  • Maintenance and Debugging: Debugging and maintaining systems with complex locking mechanisms can be challenging. Incorrectly managed locks can result in hard-to-diagnose issues like data corruption or performance degradation.

3. Redis: Redis, an in-memory data store, offers support for distributed locks through its “SETNX” (set if not exist) and “EXPIRE” commands. When a client sets a key with a specific expiration time, it acquires the lock. Other clients trying to set the same key will fail if the key already exists.

Redis redis = new Redis(redisHost, redisPort)
var uniqueKey = "someReferenceKey"
var lockAquired = redis.aquireLock(uniqueKey,<expire time>);
if(lockAquired ){
//perform critical operations;


  • Ease of Use: Redis distributed lock libraries like Redisson provide a high-level API that simplifies the process of acquiring and releasing locks. Developers can easily integrate distributed locks into their applications without dealing with low-level synchronization mechanisms.
  • Scalability: Redis is designed for high availability and supports clustering and replication. This makes it suitable for building distributed systems where locks need to be coordinated across multiple nodes.
  • Lease Management: Many Redis distributed lock implementations support automatic lock renewal to prevent locks from expiring prematurely due to long-running processes.
  • Fairness: Some distributed lock libraries offer fairness features, ensuring that the lock is acquired in the order requests are made, preventing starvation and ensuring that all competing processes have a chance to acquire the lock.


  • Single Point of Failure: If your Redis instance becomes unavailable or experiences issues, it can impact the entire application’s ability to acquire locks. It’s important to ensure Redis’s availability and redundancy.
  • when we use multiple Redis clusters for distributed locks then it complicate things by introducing slower communication between clusters, confusion in managing locks across different places, challenges in making sure everyone agrees on lock usage, potential problems when clusters experience issues, increased complexity in managing and testing, and a greater risk of issues like deadlocks due to the distributed nature of the setup.

As we chart the path to optimizing our application in the face of increasing traffic and a multitude of critical operations, Redis emerges as our steadfast ally. With its exceptional speed and seamless integration into our existing infrastructure, Redis takes center stage as our preferred choice for distributed locking. This decision not only ensures swift and efficient lock management but also allows us to leverage our pre-existing Redis setup, sparing us the complexities of ZooKeeper implementation. Redis aligns seamlessly with our goals, affording us the opportunity to allocate our resources where they matter most: delivering exceptional user experiences.

In this article, we will delve into the realm of distributed locking mechanisms discussed earlier. Our focus will be on exploring the implementation of Redis simple distributed locks utilizing the capabilities of Redisson.

Leveraging Redis and Redisson for Distributed Lock Mechanisms

Redisson is a Java library that builds on the capabilities of Redis to offer powerful distributed data structures and synchronization mechanisms. Among its key features, Redisson provides a robust and user-friendly implementation of distributed locks. Redisson abstracts the intricacies of Redis commands and facilitates the creation and management of distributed locks within Java applications.

Benefits of Redis and Redisson for Distributed Locks:

  • The single-threaded architecture of Redis and in-memory nature provides fast and efficient distributed lock management.
  • Redisson abstracts Redis complexities, making it easy to integrate distributed locks into Java applications.
  • Redis’ sequential command execution ensures predictable synchronization, preventing race conditions and simplifying complex concurrency handling. This synergy enhances Redisson’s reliability, efficiency, and ease of use, making it an ideal choice for implementing distributed locks and other concurrency-related solutions.

Use Cases of Redis Distributed Locks:

  1. E-commerce Platforms: Prevent over-selling products by ensuring that only one process updates the inventory count at a time.
  2. Financial Systems: Control access to critical financial transactions, avoiding data inconsistencies.
  3. Collaborative Environments: Manage access to shared documents or resources in real-time collaboration tools.

Implementing Distributed Locks with Redis and Redisson:

  1. Setup Redis: Begin by setting up a Redis server to serve as the backend for your distributed lock mechanism.
  2. Integrate Redisson: Add the Redisson library to your Java project. You can include it as a dependency using a build management tool like Maven or Gradle.
public Config getConfig() {
Config config = new Config();
String redisAddress = String.format("redis://%s:%s", this.redisHost, this.redisPort);
return config;
public RedissonClient getRedisClient() {
return Redisson.create(getConfig());

3. Creating Lock Instances: Use Redisson’s API to create instances of distributed locks. Different lock types are available, including fair locks, reentrant locks, and read/write locks. In this article we will be using a reentrant lock.

public RLock getLock(String key){
RedissonClient redissonClient = getRedisClient();
return redissonClient.getLock(key);
}catch (Exception e){
log.error("Failed to get Lock for key ={} with exception: ",key, e);
return null;

4. Acquiring Locks: In your application code, use Redisson’s lock acquisition methods to attempt to acquire the lock. Redisson provides options for setting timeouts, which can help prevent potential deadlocks caused by unresponsive clients.

RLock rLock = getLock("ReferenceKey");
if(rLock !=null) {
if (rLock.tryLock(50<wait for 50 millisecongs>, 40 <lock lease time is 40 milliseconds>, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
// perform critical Operation

5. Perform Critical Operations: Once a lock is acquired, your application can proceed to perform critical operations that require exclusive access to the shared resource.

6. Releasing Locks: After the critical operations are completed, release the lock using Redisson’s API. This allows other clients to acquire the lock and access the resource.


7. Handling Failures: Redisson’s distributed locks automatically handle scenarios where a client holding a lock crashes or becomes unresponsive. Locks can be set to expire after a certain time, ensuring that locked resources are eventually released.

Here is the sample code for distributed locks using redissonClient.

import org.redisson.Redisson;
import org.redisson.api.RLock;
import org.redisson.api.RedissonClient;
import org.redisson.config.Config;

public class DistributedLockExample {
private String redisHost = "localhost";
private String redisPort = "6379";
private final RedissonCLient redissonClient;

public DistributedLockExample(){
this.redissonClient = getRedissonClient();

public void shutdown(){

public Config getConfig() {
Config config = new Config();
String redisAddress = String.format("redis://%s:%s", this.redisHost, this.redisPort);
return config;

public RedissonClient getRedissonClient() {
return Redisson.create(getConfig());

public RLock getLock(String key){
return redissonClient.getLock(key);
}catch (Exception e){
log.error("Failed to get Lock for key ={} with exception: ",key, e);
return null;

public static void main(String[] args) {
DistributedLockExample distributedLockExample = new DistributedLockExample();

// Obtain a distributed lock
RLock lock = distributedLockExample.getLock("myLock");

try {
// Attempt to acquire the lock
if(rLock !=null) {
if (rLock.tryLock(50<wait for 50 millisecongs>, 40 <lock lease time is 40 milliseconds>, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
// The lock has been acquired; perform your critical section here
System.out.println("Lock acquired. Performing critical section...");
Thread.sleep(3000); // Simulate some work
System.out.println("Critical section complete.");
} else {
// The lock couldn't be acquired because it's already held by another process
System.out.println("Failed to acquire the lock. Another process holds it.");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
// Release the lock

// Shutdown the Redisson client when done


Distributed lock mechanisms are pivotal in ensuring data integrity and synchronization across distributed systems. By utilizing Redis’s speed and Redisson’s user-friendly Java API, developers can easily implement robust distributed lock mechanisms that prevent conflicts, maintain data consistency, and enhance the reliability of their applications in the face of concurrency challenges. we highlighted the effectiveness of simple locks in addressing our use case. While fair locks are available as an option, it’s important to consider that they can introduce performance issues due to queuing. Therefore, we have determined that simple locks are the optimal choice for our specific use case.

Select the appropriate distribution based on the specific use case and evaluation, and consider implementing a lock mechanism as a final step.


For some more example code for distributed lock refer:

